Saturday, October 16, 2010


So after the scary NST, I had to do another one on Monday the 11th. The nurses said she was looking really great and her heart rate was where it should be. Yay! However, the nurse asked me when we were inducing me.. UH WHAT? I told her I hadn't heard anything about induction and would find out the 12th at my next appointment.
Tuesday morning Todd and I went to the dr. I told him what the nurse said and his exact response "We actually need to discuss that" So we are tentatively planned to induce little Avery Lynn's arrival on the 21st! I had him check me to see where things were progressing naturally and I am 0 dilated and 30% effaced.

I did have to see a maternal fetal specialist, and they said that everything looked great but they wouldn't recommend me going past 39 weeks. I let him know that we were planning the induction at 38 weeks and he thought that was a great idea. So with 2 doctors recommendations, it looks like she will be making her big appearance before Halloween after all!

Thursday another NST and her heart rate was great! Now we wait!

This is the picture that the M.F.S. gave me of her face. I think I can see it, but your guess is as good as mine as to what I am looking at!

1 comment:

The 6 of us said...

ummm.... she's beautiful...? Ha ha- yeah those things are really hard to tell. We got a 3-D one of Dallies profile and it totally creeped Cody out. Well, hope things are still okay over there! I will be coming to see you soon!!!!!!!!!! I'm giddy!!