Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So this hormone roller coaster has really got me in a funk. I am always tired and always ornery. And I feel like I am always mad at Todd for some reason or another. Not only that, I can't sleep, I can't eat with out wanting to vomit afterwords, and most of all I just feel like a lazy sack of potatoes!
I am going to be 10 weeks this week, and I hear that the first trimester is the worst as far as symptoms goes. But Todd and I have to try to tolerate each other for the next 3 weeks until Trimester 2.
So if any of you moms out there have any good advise to help me out of this funk, it would be greatly appreciated!


Ashley Jorgensen said...

Trust me, it could be worse. I don't really have any good advice other than to make sure you have some alone time. For me, that was the best to just go to the store and walk around. And having saltine crackers always in arms reach.

The 6 of us said...

My advice to you as a mother of 4 is, "WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T KILL TODD!" You will need him when the baby is poopy, cranky, awake in the night, etc. Plus, one day your libido will be back in action and you will need him for that too. ;0)