Tuesday, August 11, 2009

House Update, why not?!?

So Todd and I finished the flooring on Sunday. We went to the home depot yesterday, bought some base molding to go around the cabinets, rented a nail gun and wend to town. We only had 4 hours to do around 200 sq feet of molding, but we sure got it on the wall and Todd made it back to the HD with seconds to spare! While we were doing that, my wonderful mother come over and help clean the house. She scoured and caulked the heck out of the house, it looks great! We have to go back and paint and caulk the base boards tonight, and put the powder room toilet back but then hopefully we will be done! We get our Refrigerator tomorrow and we are so excited to start moving Friday!!


Tina said...

WOOT WOOT! Friend that is sooo exciting! I can't wait to see the final product!

The 6 of us said...

Yeah Ellisons!! I'm so excited for you. Aren't moms the best?!