Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So we just got married, 10/1/08, this is our first week of "real married life" its been going great so far. We both made it though our first days of work and Todd has jumped back into his school work. Its been great! Our little apartment is still under construction, meaning it's a disaster area with gifts to take back, (thanks to all who gave us one of the 4 rice steamers :)) decorations to put up and yes, still trying to unpack from the crusie!


Janessa said...

I love that you have a blog! Welcome to the blogging world. As for the time back, enjoy it. I know it sounds lame, but the time passes SO fast, and you almost forget what it's like to be newly married when you break into your routine. Darling pictures!

*Kalissa & Keezer* said...

okay so i signed up for this blog thingy!! ill have to set mine up tomorrow!! haha!!