Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We heard the babies heartbeat today! It was pretty much the most surreal moment we have had this whole 11 weeks. I was so happy Todd was able to come with me. It was a special moment to share together. Now.. 9 more weeks till we find out what it is going to be! I can heardly wait!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So this hormone roller coaster has really got me in a funk. I am always tired and always ornery. And I feel like I am always mad at Todd for some reason or another. Not only that, I can't sleep, I can't eat with out wanting to vomit afterwords, and most of all I just feel like a lazy sack of potatoes!
I am going to be 10 weeks this week, and I hear that the first trimester is the worst as far as symptoms goes. But Todd and I have to try to tolerate each other for the next 3 weeks until Trimester 2.
So if any of you moms out there have any good advise to help me out of this funk, it would be greatly appreciated!